Energy healing and Vibrational Sound Therapy
Our whole body, organs, mind, thoughts, emotions have a frequency, depending in our mindset, routine, nutrition and self care in general, we might experience imbalances in ourselves.
Insomnia, anxiety, fatigue and stress are the symptoms of an unhealthy and imbalanced system.
After a long time of that imbalance our immune system will decrease and we will experience new pathologies.
That's why it is so important to take care of ourselves and keep a healthy life style...
With sound healing, reiki and Therapeutic Massage we can maintain that balance to experience life with no limitations.
When we apply new frequencies to our body, we affect directly the nervous system, one of the most important, together with the endocrine system, the nervous system is responsible for regulating and maintaining homeostasis in our entire being...
Contraindications for Sound Healing
The following people should consult their doctor before the first use of sound healing:
People with carotid stenosis
People with Cardiac pacemakers, artificial heart valves, or cardiac arrhythmias
People with a sent
People with a shunt
People with a deep brain stimulation device(DBS)
People with epilepsy
Pregnant women